February 2016

A Premature Death

The idea of leading by example is dead. Every would-be leader of this great nation is displaying behavior and spewing out enough abusive comments that would land a child in time-out for a lifetime.

Political candidates are not the only examples of poor leadership behavior. Far too many executives are saying things to their subordinates and demonstrating behavior that should land them in the unemployment line. Sadly, they are receiving bonuses.

Why? I would offer it is the lack of backbone, better said—courage. Many senior leaders just don't get out of the clouds long enough to see what is going on in their organizations. The P&L looks good. No need to rock the boat.   (Read more)

All Women Conferences—Worth Time?

Are all women conferences worth the time? I have been asked this question on a number of occasions from female executives I have the honor of working with and some young up and coming female executives.

My answer is YES! Attend as many as you can.

I have heard the argument that women get pumped up at these events only to be let down once they return to the daily grind at their place of employment. If this describes you, then I am suggesting you are not going to the event prepared to make it count.

I recommend five actions for making the most of the conference. In view of keeping this short, I am going to address briefly three of those activities. The three actions are:

First, make sure you know why you are going. Is the theme of the event salient to your development?

Second, connect! Ensure you walk away from the event with a hand full of business cards, not a draw full. The hand full of cards is from those you connected with and fully intend to follow-up with—a call, a meeting, lunch, something. The success is not in the number of cards you collect. It is in the number of follow-up conversations, and or meetings you have as a result of attending the conference.

Third, learn something you can put to use immediately. Most conferences are full of information. Do not make the attempt at putting all of the information to use. It may be more than frustrating. Take the one or two ideas that resonate with you and put it into action.

Going to conferences, regardless if it is a women's only or not, for the sake of going can be an expensive hobby. Know why you are going. Make connections and learn something you can use immediately.

There are other reasons for attending women's only events. If you want more on the subject feel free to reach out, John@fortitudeconuslt.com, and we can have the discussion.

Model the Way or Get Out of the Way

I am often asked for leadership advice based on my Marine Corps experience for use in business. This section is providing short leadership tips you can use in becoming an Exceptional Leader. Being good on any given day is easy. Being exceptional requires daily effort. Enjoy the read.

The Marines have a saying about leading and would-be leaders "Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way!" It is probably the same throughout the armed forces.

The point is well taken and very well understood. In business, across the spectrum of industries, I am finding more and more in leadership positions that simply cannot lead. Far too many executives would be hard pressed to find a group that would willingly follow them to the parking lot at 5 O'clock.

My advice to those of you that are experiencing that lack of followership, start with this—Act like a leader. Model the behavior you expect from those you lead. Start there, and then get help—coaching, leadership programs, or just read up on the subject. Do not feel as if you are the only one who needs help developing leadership skills. There are no born leaders. Everyone had to learn to lead. There is no leadership fairy dust sprinkled on your shoulders along with that well-deserved promotion.

Modeling the way is the start. Your character counts. If you cannot model the way—get out of the way.

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Current Happenings


This month completes the Webinar Series—"Leading with Fortitude: The Essentials."

I am recording each session, and they will be available for download. If you were unable to attend the live webinars, can still gain access to the entire series.

I will be presenting at Prairie View A&M University at the end of this month. The theme for the Presentation: Hallowed Grounds—"Organizational Heroes: Leading in Time of Uncertainty and Fear."


Law Enforcement Professionals Series:

I, and COL Byron Freeman, U.S. Army (Ret.) of BAF Security Systems are being hosted by the Norfolk City Sheriff's Department to present a seminar on "21st Century Policing." The subjects will cover topics such as Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy.

Registrations for this March 3rd and 4th Presentation have begun. Click here to learn more.

The Fountain, CO Chief of Police will also be hosting the seminar in May. Details are found on the website.


I have been nominated to join the Department of Defense's "Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS)."

The Committee examines and advises the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of Defense on matters relating to women in the Armed Forces.

Coming Soon

Group Coaching/Mentoring—I have been asked by some of you if I would consider starting a group coaching/mentoring program.

I will launch a group program providing there is sufficient interest. An ideal group size is 8 to 12.

All those interested must be able to commit three to four months of coaching. Interested groups or individuals contact me at John@fortitudeconsult.com

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