March 2018

Teaching Accountability—Spill a Glass of Milk!

A senior executive from a large firm was complaining to me about the lack of accountability in his organization. He related a story about the number of projects that were not completed on time and a few not only would be late but over budget. His question—"John, how do I teach my managers to be more accountable?"

My short answer—spill a glass of milk!   (Read more)

The Risk-Accountability Paradox

Ladies, how do you help your team to become risk takers if taking a risk means being held accountable for failure?

This is a group participation question. I hear from many readers concerning some articles. I hope to hear from some you on this question.

Here is my thought on the best way to attack big projects where the risk can be great—first, put together a team where diversity of thought is prevalent. Too many of the same type people are going to give you the same ideas. By "same" I mean, same gender, same age group, same educational background, same ethnicities, I could go on, but I think you get it. If your team makeup is all similar people, be prepared for projects showing little creativity, being completed late and over budget. The team will be risk-averse.

Quality of thought comes from a diversity of thought.

Second, take on projects with significant risks by breaking them down into small tasks. Smaller risk allows for momentum to be built and achieve more considerable success in the long run.

I could go on explaining my thoughts, but it is always best to keep it short, and I would like to hear your opinion.

What are your thoughts?

Leaders Make Risk Safe

I am often asked for leadership advice based on my Marine Corps experience for use in business. This section is providing short leadership tips you can use to become an Exceptional Leader. Being good on any given day is easy. Being exceptional requires daily effort. Enjoy the read.

Marines are known for their toughness. They are physically, mentally, and morally tough. I did not say perfect; I said tough. Building that toughness in is a sight to see. Visit one of the Marine Corps Recruit Training Depots or Officer Candidate School, and you will see the toughness being developed in them through physical fitness training, drill, and educational classes. If you look closely you may note the Marine Corps secret—much of what the future Marine is coming into contact with is designed for failure.

Many future Marines have never failed at anything in their lives, particularly the Officer Candidate. Some have never succeeded at anything in their lives. All of that is about to change.

The key to building the toughness, the creativity, the ability to dare to fail is failing! Under the watchful eye of the Drill Instructor, the message to the recruit is clear—failing is not acceptable.

The future Marine is expected to try again and again. Suddenly it happens, the realization that working along with fellow recruits, a new level of creativity enters the group, a group that is varied in ethnicity, educational background, etc. The task, designed for their failure is overcome—success! Success is realized in the most difficult of tasks. The fear of failure is diminished. Failure becomes another opportunity to learn to accomplish the task from a different perspective.

You as a leader make taking risks safe. You do that by encouraging your team to dare to succeed in the most difficult of tasks. When a failure occurs, we all fail, great leaders look for the opportunity for the team to learn and go at the job again with new knowledge and with the sense of security that the boss is with them.

Daring to be great takes Fortitude.

Current Happenings

Fortitude Consulting is re-launching with a critical addition to our leadership and strategy development. The addition is subtle but an essential facet to the continued success of organizations regardless of industry, size, for profit or not for profit.

We are adding Strategy Development for Gender Inclusion and Thought Diversity.

The bottom line is to help businesses and organizations improve their bottom line by helping to develop winning strategies that do more than providing a check in the socially acceptable box.

Organizations that manage diversity and gender integration are not capitalizing on the power and profit of inclusion and diversity of thought.

Fortitude is adding a core group highly accomplished authorities on the subject of inclusion as well as accomplished in the field of leadership.


COL. Byron Freeman U.S. Army (Ret.) President of BAF Security and I will be returning to Delta College in Michigan to teach the popular course "21st Century Community Policing and Cultural Competency."

Enrollment is open now on the website.

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