May 2016
Law Enforcement Professional Series: 21st Century Policing, Community
and Cultural Competency is being sponsored by the Fountain Police
Department in Fountain, CO on 5-6 May.
Not to late to sign-up! See the website at
June 2016
Law Enforcement Professional Series is going to be held in Texas, more details next month. Check the website for details.
Group Coaching—the group-coaching program will start in the fall. If
you or someone you know, is interested pass along the information. Feel
free to reach out directly for more detailed information at
Pro-Bono Coaching Opportunity—I am looking for three
(3) coaching clients. You must be in a leadership position. Or, on a
case-by-case basis, being considered for a leadership position. You must
be able to commit to 10 hours of coaching over a three-month period.
If this sounds interesting, pro-bono is a great price point, reach out and contact me at
It is first come first served. Do not hesitate to reach out. This is a one-time opportunity.
Aug 2016
Law Enforcement Series: 21st Century Policing, Community and Cultural
Competency will be given at Delta Community College near Detroit, MI.
The course is catching on, go my website and sign-up now!