I am often asked for advice on improving leadership ability, and so
this section is dedicated to giving short pieces of advice on becoming
what I like to call and Exceptional Leader. Being good on any given day
is easy. Being exceptional requires daily effort. Enjoy the read.
Creating a favorable impression in carriage, appearance and personal conduct at all times.
Have you looked in a mirror at yourself before you arrived at work? I
am not talking about checking yourself before you departed for work.
You are in competition every day for the next promotion, the next job
opportunity, the next BIG thing. Many prepare only when they think the
competition has begun.
Start with looking like a leader, always, not when you think it
matters most. It matters most daily. Stand tall, you don't have to be 6'
plus to stand tall. Check the hemline on that skirt. Tie your tie as
though an adult tied it—get rid of the knot that is as wide as your
Ladies and Gentlemen—shine your shoes. Yes, it matters. If you need to know why—contact me as fast as you possibly can.
Bearing—look like a leader.