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November 2015

Crisis Leadership: Murder in France

I am certain that everyone reading this Newsletter is well aware of the vicious terrorist attacks on the French People. Better to say, these attacks were on all peace and freedom loving people in the world. This month's subject is a last minute change. The subject, as you can read in the title is Crisis Leadership.

All nations, organizations, and individuals will face a crisis. When those crisis events occur, and yes, they occur this is not an "IF," here are three tips to help guide you through—Breath, Gather Your Crisis Action Team, and Take Action.   (Read more)

Be Your Own Hero

Ladies, I hope you are as inspired as I am when I read stories of the tremendous successes some women are having in business today. I read stories of women like Paula Froelich, the editor-in-chief of Yahoo Travel, Wendy Clark, CEO of Coca-Cola and soon to be CEO of DDB and Sheila Johnson, founder of BET. I am both proud and inspired by them. Yes, men can be inspired and learn from the successes of women leaders.

I do have a concern. My concern is too many don't see themselves as achieving what these women have achieved. Ladies, I need you to do three things. First, be your own hero. Second, get a mentor. Third, invest in yourself.

Over the years I think I have given the above advice to more women than I can count. It is good advice for anyone wanting to ascend to the next level and achieve greatness, men or women.

In my experience, most people don't take advice, particularly free advice regardless of its merit.

Be your own hero—believe in yourself.

Get a mentor—actually, get a few male, female and across race and ethnicities. The only requirement is that they are where you want to go and have been where you are.

Invest in yourself—if you wait to take care of everyone else first, it is a money back guarantee you will never be first. Spend time and money on your professional development.

The most important of the three pieces of advice—Believe in yourself—Become your own hero. You must believe it before you can ever see it.

I have your back. Go forward and conquer!

Eat Last

I am often asked for leadership advice based on my Marine Corps experience for use in business. This section is providing short leadership tips you can use in becoming an Exceptional Leader. Being good on any given day is easy. Being exceptional requires daily effort. Enjoy the read.

Have you ever had that supervisor that no one would follow to the parking lot at 5 o'clock?

Why is that? There may be many reasons cited for this situation. A couple of the most common are "he's a jerk," or "I don't trust her." In my experience, most of these comments stem from selfish behavior. The supervisor in question is seen as out for themselves rather than for the benefit and well-being of those they lead.

The single greatest attribute of effective leaders is unselfishness. They are the greatest servants. You will always know the leaders by where they place their well-being. It is last. Marine leaders eat last in the chow line. The well-being of their Marines comes first.

Where do you eat in the chow line? Whose needs are met first in your workplace the teams or yours? Not sure? At 5 o'clock take note of how many are following you to the parking lot. You will have your answer.

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