Case Studies

Our vision is to make leadership seem effortless.

Leadership is intangible. It is hard to measure. Leaders, regardless of level “C” suite to production line and industry banking to education, have the same demands placed on them–improve the bottom line, whatever that bottom line may be.

Case Study: New Leadership at the Top

Situation: A newly appointed University President walked into the position well aware of low morale and questionable University processes ranging from hiring, contracting, data security, budget management and Equal Employment issues. The reputation of the University was on the line.

Intervention: We followed-up on complaints from employees in order to separate fact from fiction. We examined all the university processes and recommended prioritized corrective action to be taken.

Results: In less than six months the morale of the university dramatically improved as a result of the University President taking immediate steps to hear and act on situations we identified that were negatively impacting morale. Within 12 months all processes were dramatically improved, particularly the hiring process. The hiring process was brought into compliance with both federal and university regulations and improved the quality of employees hired. John’s role evolved to that of trusted advisor throughout the three year engagement.

Case Study: Ready or Not!

Situation: A successful IT company was experiencing unparalleled growth. They needed assistance putting in place the systems and infrastructure to support that growth.

Intervention: We assisted in identifying the processes for hiring, communications, and staff development. We participated in establishing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), and leveraging individual talent to assist in the continued efforts to grow the company without having the company collapse under its own weight.

Results: In 12 months expectations were exceeded in every category. The company today continues to grow exponentially, and is doing so with the procedures and infrastructure in place to support that growth for years to come.

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