Price: 19.95

Bottom line up front, leaders, from the lofty heights of the Executive C-Suits to the First time, First-line Supervisor produce results. It is rule one of leadership.

No one cares how difficult the task is, nor how short of resources one may be the only question every Executive and leader must answer, "Was the task completed on time and on budget?"

People, your people, produce the expected results. There is no such thing as the perfect leadership style. Each person on your team is different, and all deserve superior leadership.

Price: 19.95

Bottom line up front, leaders, from the lofty heights of the Executive C-Suits to the First time, First-line Supervisor produce results. It is rule one of leadership.

No one cares how difficult the task is, nor how short of resources one may be the only question every Executive and leader must answer, "Was the task completed on time and on budget?"

People, your people, produce the expected results. There is no such thing as the perfect leadership style. Each person on your team is different, and all deserve superior leadership.

People, your people, produce the expected results. There is no such thing as the perfect leadership style. Each person on your team is different, and all deserve superior leadership.
  • This book is for those Executives and Leaders who understand the impact of masterful leadership. Skilled leaders surpass the expectation of producing results. They consistently exceed expectations.
  • This book is for Executives and Leaders who must navigate the dangerous waters of business with the crew they have.
  • This book is about building leadership skill and gaining confidence in your leadership abilities. There is no Leadership Fairy Dust that came with that well-earned promotion. Everyone has to learn. This book is a great start!
About the Author
Colonel John Boggs'  leadership development experience is second to none. His areas of expertise include leadership, national security strategy, strategy development, operational planning, training and education. He has held a long and impressive list of prominent executive, senior staff, and academic positions. As a Marine Infantry Officer, he is one of the rare few that have commanded at every level of his Marine Corps career.

He has served in advisory positions on high-level national government staffs, to include the Office of the Secretary of Defense—Personnel and Readiness. He has advised General Officers and Political Appointees. Salient to this effort is Colonel Boggs' experience with the New York City Police Department (NYPD). He supported the NYPD by providing a thorough review of existing leadership education, made recommendations for strengthening their Police Leadership Program of Instruction, and advised on the NYPD 20/20 effort.

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